Spanish Ladies Writing Desk Bonheur-du-jour

Depth: 510mm Width: 1020mm Height: 1100mm

AUD $975.00

An elegant Spanish made ladies writing desk in light and dark walnut. It has the characteristic raised back which forms a small cabinet comprising four small drawers and four open storage compartments. A chased brass gallery on the top section surrounds a small shelf for displaying objects d’art.
The writing surface has a tooled red leather top and three drawers below. Four reeded column shaped legs with a ‘U’ shaped stretcher design attached to the legs. A cast brass acorn decorates the stretchers. Profuse brass decoration adorns most of the surfaces.
The bonheur-du-jour meaning ‘daytime delight’ is a style of French writing desk that is popular and highly sought after.


1020mm wide
510mm deep
1100mm high